The Tufts University Biomedical Engineering Research Scholars (TUBERS) Program is dedicated to providing unique and rewarding research experiences at Tufts for dedicated, academically-talented high school students. Students will be involved in cutting-edge biomedical research, investigating biomedical questions and developing new methods to study cells, tissues, and organs. Students will work for ~ 6 weeks over the summer in the Biomedical Engineering labs at Tufts, learning about research techniques and a particular field of study in depth, all while learning experimental protocols, making predictions, and testing hypotheses. Most days will be from 9am - 3pm although some days may be shorter (ending around 12 or 12:30 pm). Students are encouraged to use their projects to participate in local and national science competitions, where they may win honors and scholarship money. Examples of competitions include Massachusetts State and Engineering Fair (in the spring), Siemens Competition in Math, Science, and Technology (in the fall), and the Intel Science Talent Search (in the fall). Students will be expected to find their own transportation to the Tufts University Medford campus and there is no housing available through the program for out-of-area students. The program is free. ...We encourage people from underrepresented backgrounds to apply... |